Monday, March 18, 2013

Day Ten

Today was a lower key day than others. I continued editing some pictures from my photo-shoot that I did Saturday and began to "sort" the photos into categories for my online portfolio. In addition, Heidi and I finished up my photography book and ordered it. Now, this may sound like a very calm and relaxing process, but that is quite the opposite. Let me rewind to Saturday at 4:30pm.

Once everyone arrived at my house we headed out to the field to take our pictures. Most photo-shoots start slow with some small talk to make it more comfortable for the "model", but not this one. We started with me counting to three and before I knew it bright red, yellow, green and blue powder was being thrown up into the air and onto the other models. As they threw the powder at one another Heidi and I began running around and even laying in the mud to capture the colorful storm. As we finished up with the powder, we moved onto the paint. Levi and Jenna grabbed their bottles of paint and showed no mercy to one another. When we finished the photo-shoot and began to head back, I looked at the ground and could only see bright patches of dirt and colorful streaks of paint in the dead grass. As I walked into my house, I followed a bright trail of shoes, umbrellas and clothes finding everyone huddled around the sink. Luckily it didn’t take long for people to clean up and they were out of there leaving me to the editing. On Sunday I headed out to Heidi’s house to finish some of the editing and to begin working on the book. Seven hours later after editing, resizing, cropping, selecting and organizing photos I left Heidi to order the final product. Thinking it was done, I came in this morning to finish editing and to play around with filters and lighting effects. However just a short while after my arrival, we got an email saying that the positioning of the photos in the book were just a little off and we would have to resize and position all of the photos again (which took another good two hours). Although this seems very tiring and tedious (which it was for the most part), I realized that this is a lot of what a photographer does (if not most of their job). I also learned that even though the process was very frustrating and stressful, you can’t let it get the best of you. You have to enjoy the process and enjoy the work you are putting into it. Otherwise you lose the appreciation for the art you have created and are going to share with others.

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